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About Us

We Believe



The Bible-Written by men, inspired by God, perfect with no mistakes. The Bible is God's book of divine instruction and absolute truth. 


Only One True God-He is living, all-powerful, and all-knowing. 


Jesus-The Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary, Lord of Lords, King of Kings, the truth, the True Way. 


Holy Spirit-Sent by God to guide us, to enable us to understand scripture, and to convict us of sin. 


Holy Trinity-God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. 


God sent his Son to die for our sins-The only way to have a relationship with God and to have a place in heaven is to believe Jesus Christ as your own personal savior. You must repent of your sins and believe in Him. Jesus was crucified, He died, He was buried and on the third day He rose from the dead. He now sits at the right hand of God. He prepares a home in Heaven for his followers. 


Salvation-Free gift we all need---Romans 3:23 "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."


Baptism-Act of obedience and public confession of Christ and being immersed in the baptismal waters and that being a Christian means we will live a different life than the one we lived before and that others will see the difference. 


Lord's Supper- Open to all true believers. Keeps the memory of what Christ did for us alive for all generations and helps us to continue to anticipate His coming. 


Leadership-Pastor assisted by the Elder body for spiritual needs. Leadership team to help and plan other events and outreaches. 


We believe that once we ask Jesus to wash away our sins, and we commit our lives to Him, nothing can ever take away our salvation. 


We believe that as true believers we should meet together regularly to worship God, that we should encourage each other and help one another however anyone needs help, and follow the standards laid out for us in Matthew chapter 18. 


We believe that God has a plan for every believer and that He calls us to use the gifts and abilities He has given us to bring honor to Him. 



We believe that Jesus loves us!


Our Pastors

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Max Gunn


(254) 216-1537


Buz Owens

Lay Pastor

Our Elders

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Bob Adams.webp
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Mark Hardi
Bob Adams

Danny Taylor




Boots N Saddle Cowboy Church

1 (254) 206-3292


8727 West HWY 84 (physical) 
PO Box 234 (mailing) 
Gatesville, Texas 76528


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